Урок англійської мови у 6 класі на тему "Sports"

Урок англійської мови у 6 класі на тему "Sports"

Практична: практикувати акт. словник, розвивати вміння учнів логічно та послідовно викладати власні думки іноземною мовою
Освітня: тренувати навички роботи з текстом, поглибити знання учнів про види спорту
Розвиваюча: розвивати логічне мислення, уяву, творчість, розвивати зв'язне мовлення
Виховна: виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови, до занять спортом, дотримання правил здорового способу життя.
Обладнання: картки із завданнями, картинки із зображеннями видів спорту, робочі зошити
  1. Introduction
T: Good morning! Glad to see you! How are you?
There are a lot of pictures on the blackboard. What do they show? (Different kinds of sports).
What is the topic of our lesson?
That's right. The topic of our lesson is sports. The motto of our lesson is "Be fit! Sport is good for you!"
What do you think we'll be doing today?
P: We'll be speaking English, reading, doing excercises, revising some grammar, playing games.

  1. Speaking
What is your favourite sport?
What kinds of sport do you know?
What is sport personally for you?

  1. Writing
  1. Look at the blackboard. We have some words with missing letters. You task is to fill in these letters.
Sw...mming, tenni..., f...tball, k...rate, volle...ball, j...do, at...letics.
  1. T: We use verbs Do – Play – Go with the names of sports.
We play ball games, go skating , do other sport such as gymnastics.
Let's divide sports into three columns (swimming, tennis, windsurfing, football, karate, aerobics, volleyball, basketball, judo, cycling, skateboarding, athletics)
  1. Complete the sentences with "play", "go" and "do"
I ––– running on Tuesday and Thursday.
Pete ––– karate at the local club.
I ––– climbing in the mountains every summer.
I ––– swimming with my friends.
My friends and I ––– golf every weekend.
Fred ––– judo in the evening.
They ––– basketball on Fridays.
I ––– athletics at school.
  1. Put the words in order. Make up sentences
  1. goes in John skateboarding park the.
  2. volleyball play on court you a.
  3. goes she and yoga does swimming.
  4. best very plays football well my friend
  5. on cycling Sundays go we.
T: We are not only do sports after the lessons, we also can do some exercises in the class

  1. Reading
T: Do you like tennis?
Somewhere in London there is a girl who likes table tennis too. Her name is Mary. Now we are going to read about Mary. This is Mary's diary. Complete it with the correct sports and activities while reading.
Mary's diary







Mary is a student in London. She really likes sport and she plays a lot of different sports every week.
On Mondays she plays basketball with her friends and on Tuesdays they play volleyball. Wednesday is a favourite day of the week. After school she plays table tennis and in the evening she plays chess with here family. On Thursday Mary watches her sister Ann play football in the school team. On Fridays Mary is very tired so she goes to bed and reads a book.
At the weekend Mary visits her cousins. On Saturdays they go swimming and on Sundays they stay at home and play cards and watch television.
After reading
T: Let's check your notes

  1. Listening
T: Listen to the text and try to understand as much as possible
Sport is very popular in my family. My dad goes jogging every morning in the park. I do morning exercises and ride a bike. My mum attends a fitness club twice a week. On Saturday morning we go to the swimming pool together. Swimming is the best sport activity to feel strong. In spring and in summer I often play badminton with my friends on the sports ground. It's very exciting. We have a lot of fun. I am absolutely sure that only sport can help people survive in the modern world.

After listening
Agree or disagree with these statements.
  1. Sport helps people keep fit and healthy.
  2. Father plays tennis every morning.
  3. The boy plays basketball regularly.
  4. Mother keeps fit attending a fitness club.
  5. All members of the family go to the swimming pool on Tuesday.

  1. Game "Perform a Mime"
T: Now we'll play a mime game.
One person goes to the board and gets a card. On the card the sport is written. Then he performs a mime. You should guess the sport he is performing.

  1. Summing-up
Home task
T: Today we have spoke much about sport. Your homework is to write a composition "I enjoy sports because..."


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